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Our Products

Abundant Gameplay for Your Selection

Spot Trading

Trade over 500 cryptos with ease. Simple buy and sell operations. Automatic calculation of average cost and profit/loss.

Contract Trading

Popular leveraged derivatives, supporting up to 150× leverage and both long and short positions. Profit opportunities arise with every market fluctuation.

Rewards Center

New user registration, first-time deposit/trading, and advanced trading all come with varying amounts of USDT rewards and vouchers.

Your Trusted Crypto Exchange

Buy, trade, and hold 500+ cryptos on Bget


Bget features a world-leading risk control system, cold/hot wallet infrastructure, and multi-signature technology.


Bget offers the most intuitive trading interface and hassle-free withdrawals, supporting instant deposits/withdrawals.


Backed by a top-tier research and development team, Bget provides real-time customer service and robust execution capabilities.

Bget is with You

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A Trustworthy Platform You Can Rely On

Holding licenses from multiple countries worldwide, safeguarding your asset security

Canadian MSB financial license
US MSB financial license

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