

Law Enforcement Request Guide

As a financial services provider, bget might receive inquiries from the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). This page provides basic guidance on how authorized Law Enforcement Agencies can contact us to request such information. It also outlines what information and documents we need to receive to process the request timely and efficiently.

If you are an authorized law enforcement officer, please send your requests to [email protected] and address " bget". If cross-border asset seizure is involved, please also reference the appropriate applicable Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty-related documents.

Please ensure your request follows the requirements outlined below. Missing/incomplete attachments or information might result in a delay in our response.

1. Email address domain

  1. Use a domain from an official government or law enforcement agency

2. Subject

  1. Mention the jurisdiction of the law enforcement agency
  2. Highlight the action(s) requested

3. Body

  1. Specify the below information in English
  2. Full name of the law enforcement agency
  3. Full Name, title, mailing address, email address and phone number of the person issuing the request
  4. Background of the investigation
  5. All relevant wallet address(es) and transaction hashes (TXID)
  6. All relevant information including UID, registered phone number and email address of the person/user subject to the request if available
  7. The actions Law Enforcement Agencies want bget  to take and a reasonable deadline

4. Attachment

  1. Documentary proof of your personal authority to handle such request as an agent of your law enforcement agency (e.g. a picture of your badge)
  2. Signed court order and/or official letter from your law enforcement agency including all relevant details of the incident and requested action or information in English

We try our best to respond to your emails as soon as possible. In the event that you do not receive our reply, kindly check your spam or junk mail folder.