
Become a Bget Partner and Enjoy High Commissions

Invite friends to trade on Bget and earn high commission on transaction fees. Whenyourfriend becomes a partner, you'll receive even more commission income.
Become a PartnerContact Us

Earn High Commissions Every Month

Million USDT bonus support

Next-day Commission, LifelongBenefits

Partnership Rank

Daily Settlement of Commissions, Paid Out the Following Day


Commission Ratio(Spot/Contract)

Daily Reture

Commission Method


Minimum Monthly Volume



Commission Ratio(Spot/Contract)

Daily Reture

Commission Method


Minimum Monthly Volume



Commission Ratio(Spot/Contract)

Daily Reture

Commission Method


Minimum Monthly Volume

How the Partnership Program Work

Invite friends to trade on Bget and earn high commission on transaction fees. Whenyourfriend becomes a partner, you'll receive even more commission income.


What is the Bget Partnership Program?

We are looking for partners who resonate with Bget values and mission and are willing to promote Bget. Therefore, we have launched the BgetPartnerProgram. In this program, you can create a unique referral link, and anyone who clicks on the link and completes registration will be automatically assignedasyourreferred user. Whether it's Bget spot or futures, you can adjust the commission ratio and earn commissions from all transactions completed by your invited users.

Who can join the Bget Partnership Program?

1. YouTube vloggers, digital currency community leaders, media writers and other content creators who are willing to promote Bget.
2. Cryptocurrency related market websites, crypto tool websites, industry media websites and other cryptocurrency websites.
3. Promotion agents, agencies or organizations, etc

How do I earn commission through the Bget Partnership Program?

After successfully becoming a Bget partner, you can use your referral link to invite friends to trade on Bget andreceive a commission refund of up to 55% of the invited person's trading fees. You can also create special referral links withdifferent fee discounts to enhance your invitation efficiency.

If I join the program, how long can I enjoy the partnership commission?

After successfully becoming a Bget partner, you can use your referral link to invite friends to trade on Bget and receiveacommission refund of up to 55% of the invited person's trading fees. You can also create special referral links with different feediscounts to enhance your invitation efficiency.

How do I get higher level commission in Bget?

We will evaluate partners on a monthly basis based on the volume of trades they bring in. If they are able to reach the minimumtrading volume for a given level, then they will receive a percentage of the commission for that level.

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